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We Have Returned

Well despite all of our grand aspirations to record sometime in December nothing came of it for a variety of reasons.
First and foremost, Matthrim and I also moved (from one end of Singapore to another but a move is a move!) and this caused us to have no internet access/time for stuff from January 1st until the 5th or 6th (whatever that Thursday after the 4th was).

The second was that even though he moved well before us, Drilorin continues to languish in a network less domicile. Naturally, this makes recording anything difficult.

However we hope to have Drilorin provided with access to the Internet and all of its . . . stuff, s00n.

In other news Drilorin's account was hacked. He has submitted tickets for all the lost items he could remember but damage has been done. Once again we at Through the Palantir would like to remind you that:

1) Safety is never 100% guaranteed

2) Keep your password secret, and keep it safe! Upper and lower case characters; numbers symbols and letters; English, Chinese, Arabic, and Korean characters. All of these will help keep you safe from being hacked but refer to point #1.

3) Make sure your virus scanning and firewall protection are up to date and working as a key logging program will render all the work of point #2 worthless.

We hope to record and post Episode 14 ASAP and Matthrim and I will have a new segment done shortly. In the meantime, Good Luck and Have Fun.



  1. What a complete bummer to be dealing with moving and find out your account has been hacked. I wish Drilorin success in getting back on his character's feet soon!

  2. Woot dunno u guys are in Singarpore! I m in Hong Kong : D

  3. I think we had mentioned it before at some point but yes, Matthrim and I live in Singapore and Drilorin was living in Thailand until he moved back to the U.S.A. this December.

    P.S. Matthrim says, "Wo ai ni!"

